Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Spring Cycling

   This weekend I was able to get out for my third ride of spring!  I love to cycle and got a new road bike similar to this last summer-

Paul and I did a 40 mile ride for our anniversary last year and we couldn't think of  a single thing we'd rather do!  I am not as addicted as he is, but I do love it.  This was something I chose to get interested in, to find a way into "his world".  I wasn't sure I'd like it and I didn't like the initial price tag but it was the best time and money I/we've ever spent.  It gives us something to do that doesn't cost any money (after our initial purchase obviously), we can ride and blow of steam and race or just go slow and chat and hang out.  We both love meeting up with people to ride with a group and have met many new friends. Last summer we went on Wednesday's with people from Paul's work and Saturday with a group from a local church.  We usually did 20 miles +. Because it's been so cold and wet we haven't gotten out much but as the weather slowly turns we are itching to go.  Sometimes we pull Addison and leave the others home, often in the summer we hit trails all together.  We do have to take turns sometimes to get out but if we're really lucky we get a babysitter and go alone!  This past Saturday was a lucky day!!  Nana came to hang out with the kiddos! I had to share some pics of our lovely BROWN ride!  Everything is just brown and muddy after all the rains but it didn't rain on us and it was above 40 degrees so I'll take it!

Here's most of the group we rode with.

LOTS of water!!

Spring is trying to come!!!  You can catch a few spots of green if you slow down and really search!

But it's still beautiful all the same.  Every time I am riding my bike I find myself suddenly praising God.  Praising Him for my health, that I CAN ride, for the beautiful places we have to ride and for all His wonderful creation that surrounds me.  I've always wanted to be a "prayer walker" or a dedicated runner but it just never fit me.  This is my "fit".  I am a... praise rider!  Truly every blessing He pours out on these rides I turn back to praise.  I return feeling better physically, emotionally and spiritually.  You can't get much better than that!

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