Monday, March 14, 2011


 Continuing slowly but surely on our poems.  Here's Miss Hannah...


  Horses?  Yup, horses.  Hannah LOVES horses.  Her favorite stuffed animal is Patriot the horse along with a million other horses!  She is ALWAYS happy which is Amazing!!  Adorable is pretty self explanatory and Nurturing is the best word for this girl.  She loves to help take care of people and serve them.  Today she made her brothers a "mix" of nuts and raisins and brought them down to their room so they could keep playing Legos and have a snack.  When Daddy was sick a month ago and throwing up, she went in the bathroom and rubbed his back while he hung over the toilet! ( Daddy told her thank you but she didn't have to stay.)  She is really that sweet and loving.  As a big sister she is starting to realize how much she can manipulate teach her baby sister and that is pretty funny to watch!  This little girl can have anyone wrapped around her finger in less than 10 minutes flat!  She's pretty awesome!  Hannah in pictures...

Always up for an adventure with her brothers!

Like any girl... she loves the camera!

This is one of her favorite people she has wrapped around her finger!  Hee Hee!

Hannah was my first girl after three boys and I can remember my second day home with her, I walked into our living room and saw a pink blanket and thought- huh, who left their blanket here??  I was not use to seeing any pink in my house!  Well, that has surely changed!  She is all girl, pink is everywhere and I love it!  She told me the other day, "Mama, it won't be long and I'll be grown up and gone."  I bout cried :0(  I told her I certainly hoped not and she reassured me she would be just down the street and she would come help me cook everyday because, as she will tell you and any stranger she meets, "I never let my Mama cook alone." She very much wants to understand God and His love and has asked some pretty funny and amazing questions at times. I can't wait to see where the Lord leads her as she grows.  As much as she talks, we'll all know every detail about it when He does. And as fast and as giggly as she talks, you'll be lucky to understand her!
 Love you Hannie Max :0)


pammy said...

Awww.. :) I made the blog. She is one of my favorite little girls too, so the feeling is mutual.

Holly said...

What a precious, beautiful girl. : )

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