I love recording some of the funny things the kids say on here. When I look back it cracks me up. Here's a few out of the mouths of my babes lately...
Addison- She LOVES our new dog but pronounces dog with a long o, so it's dOggie. She goes up to her and smooshes her with love saying, "I love you dOggie! You a good dOggie."
If she wants something and isn't getting it she says she's a baby, if we call her a baby she'll say, "NO! I Addie!"
Caleb will chase her and say, "I'm gonna get you!" If she picks on him and he doesn't decide to chase her she'll ask, "You wanna get me??"
For days I thought she was asking for a Pull-up to wear but she wanted "pretty lips" which is her princess chapstick ;0)
Hannah- Today while Paul and I were snuggling on a chair with me in his lap she runs up and jumps on top of us and says, "OH! Love pile!" She's such a girl!
Caleb- While out in the yard the other day with Nugget Caleb looks at me and says, "Mom, this is the most secure I've ever felt with a dog." Almost made me cry!
Carter- He came up today claiming he made a new Bill of Rights for our home that said, "We the children of the Rodriguez home declare we shall have Mc Donald's for lunch and a free video game day!" It was all signed by each of them. We told him that sounded more like a page of demands than a Bill of Rights!
Elijah- "I like having school! I was kind of bored all summer just playing all the time." Now that's one to record to show him later!!